Was goin down, g

About Ann
About Lyns
We wanna holla at our friends!!
Gangsta's and Chika's
~*Pimps And Hoes*~
Contact Us!
Hey Y'all Welcome to Andrea and Lynsey's hot webpage! Bo-yea!

Hey Me and Lynsey were bored so...so?! Enjoy Chikas! haahahhaahahahahah

Me and Andrea just wanted to make a site about us! cuz as everyone knows we're lesbains...j/m lol we're bestest friends! We are insepretable!! but Yea! if y'all want to look around and sign our guest book!!but wurr out gone to eat sum sumim sumim..brb.. ok we're bakk hahahaah
OK Just to tell ever1 we r very wierd ppl! We like to make fun of ppl so lol (guys!)
We will try to update it as often as possible but we can't garantee n e thing!;)


What's New?

We will write in this space every time we update so... ummmm fries....ummm snausage... yea! check bac! 

01/21>> ME and Lynsey have this thing with these guys... She likes my brother Devin and I like her freind Shayne. Shayne wont ask me out tho cuz hes stupid and devin wont ask lyns out cuz hes...stupid!

If n e of u gang bangin thugs dont like our site suck our left nut cuz we dont care what u think! but 4 all u homeys holla bac!